Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Labor Day

Are you a Do-It-Yourselfer? Are you sure? That may not be a fair question to ask yourself in terms of how good of DIY are you. We have seen some DIY projects on homes that have been done very well. But we have also seen some that have been done rather poorly but the person that did thought it was done well. Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder but if you're looking to sell the buyer may not see the beauty in your work. If you're thinking of selling and need to finish a project on your home, be honest with yourself. Can I do this and make it look professional? Doing a poor or a so-so job can cost you in the end. If it's electrical; don't do it, hire it. Not everyone is a DIY'er you just need to recognize your limits.
Did you know that with Fall and Winter coming fast that mice are hunting for a warm spot for the cold weather? This is the time of year that you may find them in your home or garage, or evidence that they're around. Everyone has their own way of dealing with them. Standard mouse traps with cheese, glue traps, poison or professional extermination are some of your choices. Maybe a cat?

Don't forget to head down to Riverside Park this weekend for River Blast. Lots of food and entertainment for all of any age to enjoy.
Shool has or will start by next Tuesday. Depending who you are it's a good thing or not so good thing.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Home Inspection VS Appraisal

Home Inspection versus Appraisal. There is a difference!!
A Home Inspection is typically done after all the terms of the sale have been negotiated and before closing but is ordered by the buyer of the home. The Inspection is done within an alloted time period, at the buyers expense and can make or break the deal. The Inspector is of the buyers choice and can be anyone that the buyer is comfortable with. The report is the property of the buyer and doesn't need to shared with anyone else. The Inspector is looking for issues with the home that are safety, health or structural concerns that are usually not seen when a buyer walks through the home. For an example maybe the furnace isn't running right or an outlet is wired wrong. Those would be safety concerns. The report is usually broken down to primary concerns like those mentioned; secondary concerns and maintenance. Secondary concerns would be things to keep an eye on in the future and maintenance would be things like a dirty furnace filter or leaky faucet. An Appraisal is ordered by the buyers lender and is a cost of the buyers of the property. They are licensed by the State of Minnesota and will take into consideration many things in their appraisal. The sole purpose is to determine the value of the home to protect the lender and buyer in the transaction so that no one is over paying for the home. An appraisal determines the value and the Home Inspection determines the condition of the home.

State Fair starts next week already
The Vikings have broke Training Camp
High School practice is in full swing
4 1/2 months till Christmas

Hardees on the North end by Wal-Mart is coming along and opening soon. The apartment building across Hy-Vee is really going up quick with more apartments to follow in town.
Farmers Markets are brimming with fresh local produce and are open three days a week in town.

Shop local, buy local, borrow local